The side view

The side view
1 1/2 months after having my 4th child.

The after kids photo/starting point

The after kids photo/starting point
I decided to go with the traditional "I look like complete and total shit" photo. I think I pulled it off quite well, I think this is the worst picture I've ever taken, lol.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 5

Today has been a long day. It started off being pretty busy. I woke up and got my oldest son ready for school and had to take all the kids with me to drop him off since my husband was on 1st shift today. That part wasn't bad, but I had to take the remaining 3 with me to the grocery store. Now if you've never had the experience of taking 3 kids (ages 4, 3, and 1 1/2 months) I wouldn't recommend it. The main reason I went to the store was to get some stuff for my other sons lunch to take to school. After about an hour of dragging my kids through the store and filling up the cart with a bunch of crap that I didn't need ($150 bucks worth to be exact) we head home from the store. After I drag in all the groceries I realize that it's getting close for my sons bus to come so I hurry and make his lunch, all while my son is screaming at me because he doesn't want to go to school. Before I go any further let me tell you a little bit about my son. I love my son with all my heart but that boy has a temper on him. He is the most stubborn little boy on the face of the planet, lol. I'm not exaggerating either, most parents will say that about one of their kids but I bet my son would win hands down in the worst temper and most stubborn catagories. He is enrolled in the Harold Lewis Center with the Department of Developmental Disabilities and he hates having to go, once he's there he's fine, but trying to get him dressed and on the bus can be a nightmare, especially if he's had a few days off. Well he's had about 3 weeks off because he was sick, then it snowed a lot, ect... well after I got my sons lunch made I finally got him to settle down long enough so we could go "shovel" the snow while we wait for his bus to pick him up. We took turns shoveling and I noticed that we had been outside for quite some time now, so I go inside to check the time and it's a quarter to 12, that's about 20 mins later than when the bus normally arrives. So we go inside and I call the school. It turns out they are on winter break this week. WTF!!! I just spent 150 bucks at the store that I didn't need to spend and listened to my son scream and fight with me about going to school, all to find out he doesn't even have school! I really need to start looking at the calender more often, lol.

Well after that I decided to finish shoveling the driveway which was mostly ice and heavy slush and now my back is hurting, so I figure that was a pretty good workout on its own, considering I haven't shoveled a driveway in about a year because my husband usually does it. I used muscles I haven't used in years, lol. I'm hoping tomorrow I can do something kind of fun. We bought a new cord for the blue ray so maybe I can tryout that new dance dvd. Well that's all for tonight, see you tomorrow!

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